Raising World Changers

Raising World Changers Well, how do you explore raising world changers in a few hundred words?   The truth is I’m not sure that I even know how. But in all my time watching, working with, and living with families, there seem to be a few things in common about...

Parenting Styles

Parenting Styles It’s an interesting exercise to sit in MacDonald’s Family Restaurant (or any other common eating place for families) and observe the styles of parenting that come in and out, spending that special family time together. There are those parents who are...


Values I know a young lady who recently turned 18, and has been enjoying going to a few clubs on weekends with her friends. She described what it’s like, knowing how old and out of touch I am with the culture our 18 year-olds are dealing with. She actually described...

The Funnest Minute

The Funniest Minute I’m not sure if it’s true that the family that has fun together stays together, but I have a feeling that if a family does have fun together they want to be together more. And that has to be a good thing. When our children were little, my husband...

Justice and Mercy

Justice and Mercy I have a friend whose teenage daughter has just lost her licence for speeding. Her friends at work were quick to ask, “What did your mum say?!” The teenager answered, “She said she’d drive me to work.” I was impressed by that mum.. She could have...